
Great Baikal Trail

In summer of 2003 the first volunteers came to Lake Baikal to help build the Great Baikal Trail. In former times there were only a few voluntary helpers of the "Association for adventure tourism and mountain climbing of the Buryat Republic" who organised the first camps, today there are 20–30 camps per year.

Within the last years a lot of volunteers from all over the world have helped to restore existing sections of the trail or to build new sections. That's why the focus lays, in addition to constructing and marking the hiking trails, more and more on the preservation of already existing trail sections.

We hope that we'll answer the main questions that probably pop into your mind on the following sites. If some of your questions remain unanswered, please don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail.

We would be pleased about your interest and application. Now, we already want to wish you an exciting time at Lake Baikal and, not forgetting, a refreshing bath in the clear water of the lake!

Camp 2 - Davsha Barguzinsky Biosphere Reserve

On the questionnaire for participants we declared that we weren't planning to go on such journey again. With every day in Germany our opinion about this is constantly changing. Now we would answer: "Yes, we would go on such journey again."

Camp 21 - Path to clean Baikal

If the camp can be described at all, I would just say: "It was a super duper mega awesome incredibly wonderful time!"

Camp 22 - Stars of Balan Tamur

The drive to our camp took three days. It was more adventurous than I had imagined.

Camp 3 - Zabaikalsky National Park

When we built a new trail section next to the thermal spring it became evident that there exist different opinions amongst the GBT people. .

Camp 3 - Zabaikalsky National Park

It wasn't a hungry bear that shocked me - we only saw some scratch marks on a tree ...

Camp 8 - Zabaikalsky National Park

Even though we ordered 50 cans of beer (for the whole group) on the first day, we were lucky to drink it only on the penultimate day of the camp.

Camp 2 in Angarsk/Former Trans-Siberian Railway

Of course, we also paid our attention to all the litter that was lying around the camp. However, it seemed to be a 'never-ending battle', like Shelly from Canada always said.

Camp 1 in Naryn-Atsagat

Our main task was to build stupas. This implied knowledge of carpentry and concrete building.

Camp 25 in Bolshoe Goloustnoe

We had the chance to experience the life in Bolshoe Goloustnoe first-hand. This has enriched our lives.

Foto galleries

Best of - The GBT Season 2005
Camp 2 - Working in a Bird-Paradise
Camp 11 - On our Way to the Snake-Bay
Camp 21 - The Way to clean Baikal

Camp 6 in Kurbulik July 2004

Two weeks in the Zabaikalski National Park!

Camp 11 in Taximo July 2004

"I would have never thought that Russia is so Russian."

Camp 9 in Listvyanka July 2004

Two weeks full of adventures at Lake Baikal!

Review meeting in Ottendorf

Review meeting in Ottendorf in Nov. 2004 Almost 2/3 of this year's participants have found their way to Saxon Switzerland
